Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Conservative Coup to turn The United States into The Neo-Confederacy

"Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"America has been undergoing a rapdily accelerating Coup by Conservatives. After their military defeat during the Civil War, the conservatives of this Nation began a campaign of low-grade guerilla warfare against America targeting Women, Liberals, Unionists, Minorities, and Immigrants; all groups oppossed to the creation of the Southern White Man's Utopia the Neo-Confederacy.

Since the Era of Ronald Reagan, who opened up his white resentment campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, with "I believe in state's rights. I’m going to devote myself to trying to reorder those priorities and to restore to the states and local communities those functions which properly belong there." Conservatives have inflitrated enough areas of local, state, and federal government to alter, undermine and neuter protections for the American People and re-establish the Era when the 1% Ruled and White Conservatives acted as Whip Holders and Attack Dogs keeping everyone else in line.

But, in the last 15 years, they've accelearated their efforts, with major strikes at the heart of Democracy.
  • The impeachment of President Bill Clinton.
  • Convicted Criminal Tom DeLay and other Republicans redistricting Congressional Districts to devalue Democratic Votes
  • The Stolen 2000 Presidential Election, in which Al Gore won the Popular Vote by almost a million votes and won more votes in Florida.
  • The SCOTUS rulings especially Bush v. Gore and Citizen's United and Shelby County v. Holder.
  • The Congressional Obstruction during Barack Obama's Presidency.
Recall that beginning in 2009 Republicans declared their number one goal was to ensure President Obama was a one-term President, not to help American struggling with the Republican Recession, not to deal with the Global War on Terror which conservatives by and large avoided, nope there goal was to get back to undercutting the American Middle Class and impoverishing the American Worker in order to create the Neo-Confederate Corporate dominated Wage Slave State.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Mass Shooting. Another White Right-Wing Domestic Terrorist. It's far too late to talk about Gun Control.

Thus, endeth the world not with a whimper but with a bang...
Governor disgusting coward Jindal of Louisana gave a press conference where he stated it's too early to talk about Gun Control. No it is not, it's far, far, far too late.

America has been conquered by Conservatives. Every problem in this Nation can be traced back to the influence and effect the right-wing nut jobs have over the country. After losing the Civil War, the Confederacy (a Plutocracy of Rich 1% Slave Owners) has been engaging in guerilla tactics and asymetrical warfare for 150 years and they've turned the Nation (with some notable setbacks) into a Conservative Plutocracy in the same model as the Confederacy, a Neo-Confederacy.

Now, another Right-Wing White Domestic Terrorist has gone on a shooting spree but, unlike the immediate and voiceforus denunciations of "Terrorism" when the shooter is named Muhammad, Conservatives shout down anyone who links their despicable evil agenda to the violence it indisputably foments. As always right-wingers proclaim the murderer is actually a Liberal because No True Conservative...

And Gun Nuts declare we're too emotional to talk about Gun Control and converge like locusts to silence anyone who points out that Gun Violence in the United States is an Epidemic. No other civilized, so-called first world Nation suffers the levels of Gun Violence we do in the United States.

If guns were the real solution then we'd see appreciable reductions in gun violence but, the evidence shows more guns equals more gun violence.

This is such an obvious, blatant fact that Gun Makers and Gun Humping Lunatics demand those facts be altered and obscured, which is why just this month The Center for Disease Control has been banned for decades by Republicans in Congress and the NRA from collecting any data/information on Gun Deaths and Injuries.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Murder of 4 Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga isn't Terrorism

Sometime in the last year a Kuwait born man decided to kill Americans. Two days ago he succeeded in killing 4 Marines and a Sailor, while seriously injuring another Marine.

The 24 year old murderer, thankfully killed by Police, was born in Kuwait during President H. W. Bush Operation Desert Shield/Storm time frame before moving to the States and ostensibly becoming an American.

The spectre of Iraq hangs over these killings. Kuwait isn't a real country. It was carved out of the area post World War I by the British to be a port for British Petroleum. The Arabic 1920 uprising against the British and they rule prior to World War II and subsequent decades-long American entanglement in the Region can all be traced back the Black Curse of Petroleum.

After Ronnie Raygun buddied up with Saddam Hussein he set the stage for the whole farcical last 25 years of American Foreign Policy on Iraq; A tragedy of Republican buffoons, Democratic wimps, and right-wing ghouls turning the United States into a Worldwide Nincompoop, while utterly destabilizing the region, empowering Iran, making America less safe and getting Americans killed. All the while stealing $5 Trillion from the American People and destroying thousands of American and Iraqi lives, families, and futures.

Now, more lives and families have been destroyed. And the weapon of choice? The Gun, the bloody High-Powered Rifle, which is the True Symbol of These United States.

Welcome to the NRA and The Republicans' Perfect America; A Bloody Wasteland of Bullet-Riddled Bodies. No one is safe in the United States anymore. Not Kindergarten Children. Not United States Marines. America has been consumed by the Gun Cultists. While the foul shade of Saddam Hussein our beloved Ally/Enemy laughs from beyond the grave.