Monday, November 14, 2016

Call the office of Judge Gonzalo Curiel who is overseeing the T University trial in San Diego.

Call the office of Judge Gonzalo Curiel who is overseeing the T University trial in San Diego.
Here's the number:
Lawyers for T have requested the trial be postponed, arguing the demands of the transition warrant a postponement. They said in a statement that the days until the "inauguration are critical and all-consuming."
Let them know he needs to be tried like every other American so that we can see just who we've elected. I got right through to his assistant.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

James Comey's treacherous behavior

Comey is a Republican, who has previously grossly misused his position to smear Hillary Clinton.  

The Republicans saw they were headed toward a humiliating loss, and their hopes in Wikileaks actually turning up anything of value have pretty much flown out the window.  So, they needed to generate a fictitious Hillary scandal of their own.  And here comes the head of the FBI, the nation's highest law enforcement officer, throwing every shred of honesty and responsibility out the window to give it to them, without a bit of evidence to indicate that what he is talking about has a thing to do with Hillary.

This is not the act of a boy scout; it is the act of a corrupt partisan doing what he can to throw the Presidential election.  Comey is not an honest man caught between bad choices, he is a subversive crook.  That is to say, he is a standard, run of the mill Republican, just like all the rest of them, willing to do any kind of filthy deed to help his party steal power in this country.  

We are witnessing a knife blow in the back of American democracy; a hail Mary treachery resulting from the fact that nothing else is working to elect the Republican candidate.  And unless some Democrats and some more visible left wing bloggers than me are willing to speak the truth, he will escape the consequences of his behavior, which should consist of removal from office, and a long prison term.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


The only campaign against Donald Trump, which should be repeated by every Democrat over and over again between now and November:

Donald Trump currently has over $600 million in debts, compared to about $170 million in liquid assets.  After his ability to borrow money from American banks was severely curtailed by his four bankruptcies, he had to go overseas.  He borrowed a fair amount from the Germans, but also a great deal from Russians, which means rich oligarchs aligned with Vladimir Putin.  If these Russians call in his debts, his entire empire will crumble away to nothing, in a fifth disastrous bankruptcy.

Suddenly, Julian Assange has released thousands of e-mails that are being reported as damaging to Democrats.  Remember that Assange lives in Russia, where he could be ejected at any moment, to face long prison terms in other countries, so Assange is under threat, and no one could  want to be under threat from Putin.

There is virtually no question that these e-mails were stolen by Russian state security agents, who hacked into Democratic servers.  They have now been delivered to Trump, via Assange, for him to use in his campaign, which he is thrilled to do.

In return, the absurdly self-named "greatest negotiator on earth" has now stated and restated that he is willing to walk away from the United States' most sacred treaty commitment, to protect the other members of NATO if they are attacked.  Trump states that, unless European members of NATO pay the United States unspecified amounts of money, we will not come to their defense.  Of course, President Trump could make the amount so great that no nation could pay it, and then blame them for our treachery.  This is nothing but extortion, and under the worst possible circumstances.

Trump has improvidently fallen into debt and then, like the victim of a loan shark in some film noir movie, is being forced to do the criminal's bidding.  To be blunt, he is a traitor, enslaved by a hostile foreign dictator.

And this is who the Republicans want as their President.

Let me repeat this:  I am not throwing around the word "traitor" the way Republicans do every day at Obama, Hillary and anyone else they are mad at.  I am saying this entirely seriously:  This is a man who is prepared to destroy the rule of law and betray this country and its allies, and allow Russia to seize untold territory in Europe, undoubtedly precipitating the greatest war since World War II, in order to save himself from financial humiliation. He is a traitor.  And this must form the basis for the campaign against him.  Half truths will not do any more- we must state the whole truth, and stick to it.