Sunday, December 13, 2015

For Americans Only?

I'm so sickened with the outpouring of hatred from the right these days, that I haven't been able to pay much attention to it.  There is one issue, however, which has cropped up among Conservatives once agqain, which I would like to deal with.  That is the malicious notion that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are restricted to U.S. citizens only.  This groundless claim has been used in the past, and is being used again, to justify all sorts of plans to promote their nationalistic hatred in one way or another.

Now, I must admit that certain of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights do seem to be reserved for American citizens.  These can be identified, I think, by references to "the people;" which I think can legitimately be taken to mean citizens of the United States.  It is clear why that would be true.  The two most notable examples are in the first and second amendments.  It is obvious, I think, why the right to assemble might be restricted to U.S. citizens; a foreign mob that crossed our borders (unlikely as such a thing is) would not have that right.  And the same is true of the right of the people to keep and bear arms, which would not extend, say, to a foreign army that invaded our territory.

Other than where specificied this way, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that restricts these rights to American citizens only.  No decent person would suggest that a foreign citizen gives up his right to freedom of speech or religion when he visits our country, or that it is okay to arrest him without charges or deny him a fair trial.  Nor would any reasonable person suggest that it is permissable for non-citizens to "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

Once again, Conservatives have promoted a totally fictitious account of what the Constitution actually says, in order to justify their miserable behavior.  Those who insist that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" is absolute and inviolable, owe us at least the decency to read the rest of the Bill of Rights in the same  manner, and realize what we all know: that with certain obvious exceptions, these rights are intended to be universal.

Not, of course, that I think that right wingers can ever be expected to pay any heed to consistency, or even common human decency.  Still, we don't need to fall for their distortions.

I have attached the text of the first eight amendments of the bill of rights below, in case anyone wants to see if what I have claimed is true.  The ninth and tenth amendments are not relevant to this comment.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mass Shootings are the Ultimate Expression of White Male Privilege

There are many titles I could have come up with this post but, the recent details emerging from the latest Mass Shooting incident in Colorado changed its' direction.

So, the Mass Shooter was spotted by his neighbor who called 911 only to be told because of the crazy Open Carry and Stand Your Ground Laws forced down the throats of every American by the vicious NRA and blood-soaked Gun Manufacturers without one care about the health and right to life of We, the People there was nothing the Police could do.

Similar, incidents of weapon brandishing by Firearm Fuckers have happened in other states. When I'm on duty and see a person marching around with a weapon I don't think freedom loving 2A Champion, I think shooting about to go down. It used to be that openly displaying a weapon away from you own property was a crime but, of course, the shooter as a white male has the absolute right to threaten people with his gun implictly and explicitly. The resultant mass shootings are the ultimate expression of white male privilege.

Now, your average conservative asshole or gun-humping fanatic will immediately respond with Chicago!!! BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE!!! So, let's take a look at what's going on in Chicago.

The majority of guns used in commission of crimes originate outside Chicago and Cook County. But, besides the fact that loose or nonexistent gun laws from various of states is driving Chicago's Gun Crime what's the underlying force behind the Chicago shootings; Criminal activity, gang identification, and territory disputes, mainly surrounding the drug business. This is no different than the criminal activity surrounding the Italian Mobs of Chicago and New York, the Irish Mobs in Boston and Cleveland. But, Italian and Irish people have earned enough white points so reactionary right-wingers don't ascribe the actions of a few criminals to the entire people the way they do for African-Americans.

But, worse than the racist politics of conservatives is the way the Gun Humping Fanatics have taken over the issue of Gun Control. The favorite youtube video of Gun Nuts is: We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.

There is a kernel of reactionary right-wingers who are convicned that every mass shooting is a black ops Obama led conspiracy to talk their precious guns from them. Scarlett Lewis, a mother of the one of the Newton murdered school children recent released a book about her pain and struggle. The Amazon reviews by the gun nut trolls are just horrific.

For instance:
  • This book is a fun read if you want a good laugh, or just to observe the pathetic lies about JessiLewis, a fictional death to push the Democrat's gangster/communist policy coup attempt to destroy the Constitution.
  • Sandy Hook NEVER happened!! The FBI ADMITTED that it never happened!! Is this book supposed to be real?? What a joke!!!
  • Sandyhook has been proven to be a 100% FRAUD. This was a false government sponsored psychological operation used to erode the rights of American Citizens. This lady did not write this book. This is propaganda that is being used to perpetuate a false narrative.
  • This woman is a liar no child died at Sandy hook. Sandy hook is a hoax, it was staged. Go watch "We need to talk about Sandy Hook" and pay attention. SANDY HOOK WAS A STAGED HOAX NO ONE DIED!
  • Lies and propaganda, no children died at Sandy hook!
I could continue but there are 10 pages of these types of "reviews" from Firearm Fucking Fanatics, read them.

But, they buttress a point about laws. You do not let the most extreme elements drive Gun Laws. Nor do you let those whose interests lie in making as many weapons as possible craft gun laws. And contrary to the bluster of Right-Wingers there are various laws which could have an impact on these mass shootings, they just don't know about them because Republicans at the behest of the Gun Makers Lobby quietly kill those laws in State and Federal Government,

In 2005 George W(orst President Ever) Bush backed by the Republican Controlled House and Senate passed Legislation making Gun Manufacturers immune to Lawsuits for their Negligence.

In 2011 Republicans in Illinois, in direct opposition to the health and safety of their constituents, voted to put guns in the hands of Terrorists:
Republicans on the House Judiciary panel shot down a proposal Thursday to prevent weapon sales to suspected terrorists.  
In a party-line vote of 21-11, the committee Republicans killed an amendment from Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) that would have blocked firearm purchases by those on the FBI's terrorist watch list.
Connecticut lawmakers, in March 2011, tried to ban the magazines used by the Newton Murderer.

In 2014, Alan Colmes interviewed South Carolina Senate candidate Lee Bright and asked Bright if Teachers should have "machine guns". Bright responded that a teacher "protecting school grounds" should carry whatever "she" can. When asked specifically if that meant "machine guns", Bright responded, "The Second Amendment is pretty clear. It says the right to carry arms should not be infringed... I don’t see how the government can regulate it."

Supreme Court Warren Burger, a conservative appointed to Chief Justice by Richard Nixon, said of the idea that the second amendment confers an individuals right to own a gun, 
"the second amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, ever perpetrated on the American public by an interest group in my lifetime."
Molon Labe: Guns aren't going anywhere and until We, the People do something about them, Firearm Fucking Gun Nuts are going to continue murdering Americans.

After each and every incident the gun humping fanatics have perfected the argument of the loud voice and the angry red face, after every shooting, they swarm the internet and just scream, 'AHHHHH!' 'AHHHHH!' 'AHHHHH!' ''AHHHHH!' 'AHHHHH!' 'AHHHHH!', until everyone just stops commenting and the other pressing matters in our daily lives take our attention away.

But, the Gun Humpers attention is never diverted they await every new mass shooting to swarm yet again. The murder on-air of a blonde newcaster and a cameraman, caused only a temporary ripple in the rushing torrent of Gun Nut Screams and the Howls of the NRA.

Guns will destroy us, unless we refocus and destroy them.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

FBI: White Supremacist Group Keeping Busy Playing "Race War"

WASHBURN, OH - Members of a white supremacist skinhead group called the White Aryan Caucasian Front are having fun playing a game called "Race War", the FBI reported today.
According to investigators charged with supervising the rag-tag bunch, they appear to be working on a fort of some kind.
"Every day the boys are outside running around, shooting at watermelons, getting lots of sun and exercise," marveled FBI Special Agent Kyle Cooper. "This week they started to build a fortress out of some old railroad ties and cement they found in the woods."
Despite their satisfaction with the skinheads' playtime activities, the FBI said they will continue to monitor the group.
"Skinheads are skinheads and playing race war is what skinheads do," Cooper remarked. "Fun is fun, but just so long as they keep their roughhousing to a minimum and only shoot at fruit. Otherwise rumpus time is over."
If the group does get out of hand, Cooper pointed out that some WACF members could face time-outs in the state penitentiary.
"That'd be a real shame, though, because they really seem to be enjoying themselves," he said.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Conservative Coup to turn The United States into The Neo-Confederacy

"Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"America has been undergoing a rapdily accelerating Coup by Conservatives. After their military defeat during the Civil War, the conservatives of this Nation began a campaign of low-grade guerilla warfare against America targeting Women, Liberals, Unionists, Minorities, and Immigrants; all groups oppossed to the creation of the Southern White Man's Utopia the Neo-Confederacy.

Since the Era of Ronald Reagan, who opened up his white resentment campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, with "I believe in state's rights. I’m going to devote myself to trying to reorder those priorities and to restore to the states and local communities those functions which properly belong there." Conservatives have inflitrated enough areas of local, state, and federal government to alter, undermine and neuter protections for the American People and re-establish the Era when the 1% Ruled and White Conservatives acted as Whip Holders and Attack Dogs keeping everyone else in line.

But, in the last 15 years, they've accelearated their efforts, with major strikes at the heart of Democracy.
  • The impeachment of President Bill Clinton.
  • Convicted Criminal Tom DeLay and other Republicans redistricting Congressional Districts to devalue Democratic Votes
  • The Stolen 2000 Presidential Election, in which Al Gore won the Popular Vote by almost a million votes and won more votes in Florida.
  • The SCOTUS rulings especially Bush v. Gore and Citizen's United and Shelby County v. Holder.
  • The Congressional Obstruction during Barack Obama's Presidency.
Recall that beginning in 2009 Republicans declared their number one goal was to ensure President Obama was a one-term President, not to help American struggling with the Republican Recession, not to deal with the Global War on Terror which conservatives by and large avoided, nope there goal was to get back to undercutting the American Middle Class and impoverishing the American Worker in order to create the Neo-Confederate Corporate dominated Wage Slave State.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Mass Shooting. Another White Right-Wing Domestic Terrorist. It's far too late to talk about Gun Control.

Thus, endeth the world not with a whimper but with a bang...
Governor disgusting coward Jindal of Louisana gave a press conference where he stated it's too early to talk about Gun Control. No it is not, it's far, far, far too late.

America has been conquered by Conservatives. Every problem in this Nation can be traced back to the influence and effect the right-wing nut jobs have over the country. After losing the Civil War, the Confederacy (a Plutocracy of Rich 1% Slave Owners) has been engaging in guerilla tactics and asymetrical warfare for 150 years and they've turned the Nation (with some notable setbacks) into a Conservative Plutocracy in the same model as the Confederacy, a Neo-Confederacy.

Now, another Right-Wing White Domestic Terrorist has gone on a shooting spree but, unlike the immediate and voiceforus denunciations of "Terrorism" when the shooter is named Muhammad, Conservatives shout down anyone who links their despicable evil agenda to the violence it indisputably foments. As always right-wingers proclaim the murderer is actually a Liberal because No True Conservative...

And Gun Nuts declare we're too emotional to talk about Gun Control and converge like locusts to silence anyone who points out that Gun Violence in the United States is an Epidemic. No other civilized, so-called first world Nation suffers the levels of Gun Violence we do in the United States.

If guns were the real solution then we'd see appreciable reductions in gun violence but, the evidence shows more guns equals more gun violence.

This is such an obvious, blatant fact that Gun Makers and Gun Humping Lunatics demand those facts be altered and obscured, which is why just this month The Center for Disease Control has been banned for decades by Republicans in Congress and the NRA from collecting any data/information on Gun Deaths and Injuries.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Murder of 4 Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga isn't Terrorism

Sometime in the last year a Kuwait born man decided to kill Americans. Two days ago he succeeded in killing 4 Marines and a Sailor, while seriously injuring another Marine.

The 24 year old murderer, thankfully killed by Police, was born in Kuwait during President H. W. Bush Operation Desert Shield/Storm time frame before moving to the States and ostensibly becoming an American.

The spectre of Iraq hangs over these killings. Kuwait isn't a real country. It was carved out of the area post World War I by the British to be a port for British Petroleum. The Arabic 1920 uprising against the British and they rule prior to World War II and subsequent decades-long American entanglement in the Region can all be traced back the Black Curse of Petroleum.

After Ronnie Raygun buddied up with Saddam Hussein he set the stage for the whole farcical last 25 years of American Foreign Policy on Iraq; A tragedy of Republican buffoons, Democratic wimps, and right-wing ghouls turning the United States into a Worldwide Nincompoop, while utterly destabilizing the region, empowering Iran, making America less safe and getting Americans killed. All the while stealing $5 Trillion from the American People and destroying thousands of American and Iraqi lives, families, and futures.

Now, more lives and families have been destroyed. And the weapon of choice? The Gun, the bloody High-Powered Rifle, which is the True Symbol of These United States.

Welcome to the NRA and The Republicans' Perfect America; A Bloody Wasteland of Bullet-Riddled Bodies. No one is safe in the United States anymore. Not Kindergarten Children. Not United States Marines. America has been consumed by the Gun Cultists. While the foul shade of Saddam Hussein our beloved Ally/Enemy laughs from beyond the grave.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Whites Rated Top Race in World by International Racist Institute

White people around the globe can celebrate today after once again being named the top race in the world by the International Racist Institute of Greenville, South Carolina.
Scoring high in intelligence, appearance and goodness, the IRI's report confirmed the white race's #1 standing for the 217th consecutive year since releasing its inaugural study in 1798.
"In addition to being the smartest and most attractive people in the world, white people continue to devote themselves to the attempted betterment of other races - such as the blacks and the arabs - despite the apparent futility of such endeavors," the report indicated.
The study showed whites rating extremely high in several lesser categories as well, such as speech and smell.
Perhaps surprisingly, climbing five spots since the March opening of a new Indian buffet in downtown Greenville, "Indians" claimed the world's #2 ranking for 2015.
"For ten dollars, it's a great deal," IRI President Chase Myers remarked. "I love the garlic naan bread, and they have a delicious rice pudding for dessert."

Monday, June 1, 2015

Duggar Dad: "Less than 6% of Duggar Children Child Molesters"

Entangled in the sexual abuse scandal swirling around one of his 10 sons, "19 Kids and Counting" patriarch Jim Bob Duggar pointed out today that less than 6% of his children are child molesters.
Blogging his latest response to reports that his eldest son Josh sexually assaulted a number of girls in violation of his family's strict conservative beliefs, Jim Bob argued that, "One in nineteen really isn't that bad."
"Some studies estimate that up to 7% of the American male population will manifest some form of sexual deviancy involving children during their lifetime," Jim Bob wrote, "So in reality, we're actually below average at just 5.3%"
A number of respondents were quick to clarify for Jim Bob that the percentage of the Duggar clan who are pedophiles would be 10% if he excluded his female offspring, and 14% if he didn't count his sons currently under the age of 14.
Duggar went on to indicate that his family also falls far below the percentage of Americans who have committed murder, 0% compared to 0.1%, a difference of infinity, he noted, as well as those who have engaged in bestiality.
"Never have any of my children had sex with an animal or a member of their own gender," he stated. "Josh might have sinned, but at least it was with girls."
Statistics show that approximately 10% of the world's population is gay.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Chick-fil-A fast food chain announced it would be dropping its popular "Waffle Fries" because product too closely resembles a lesbian orgy

ATLANTA GA (AP) The Chick-fil-A fast food chain announced yesterday that it would be dropping its popular "Waffle Fries" from its menu and replacing them with a new fried potato product.
At a press conference, Chick-fil-A spokesman Ted Haggard explained the reasons for the menu change. "Notable televangelists such as Pat Robertson and Mike Huckabee, along with the two anti-equality political PACs, the National Organization for Marriage and the American Family... Association have requested that we remove "Waffle Fries" from our menu. They point out that current product too closely resembles a lesbian orgy."
"Chick-fil-A is grateful to these family oriented political organizations and politicians for bringing this to our attention. We agree that our Waffle Fries are actually tasty Pagan potato paste abominations depicting promiscuous sexual behavior among beautiful naked women. The Chick-fil-A corporation remains firmly opposed to beautiful naked women enjoying each other."
Haggard continued, "Because Waffle Fries are a threat to the very fabric of our society, they will immediately be replaced with our new crispy Jesus Fries, a new fried potato mixture formed in the shape of a cross. This new menu item will remind everyone that Jesus fried for their sins."

Monday, April 13, 2015

Team #Marco

Team #Marco

Obama Backs Efforts to End Conversion Therapy


Ted Cruz Replaces Daughter for Presidential Campaign Run 

Ten days after taking the stage at Liberty University with his family to announce his candidacy for president, Ted Cruz has announced he will replace his 5 year-old daughter Caroline for the duration of his campaign.
The announcement of the switch was made shortly after the Republican Senator appeared at a fundraiser with his new daughter, a pretty, effervescent girl named Maria Alejandra.
A statement issued by the Cruz read, in part: "The decision to give Maria Alejandra this opportunity represents the culmination of an antipragmatic-oriented deliberative process prioritizing demographic trafficability of our candidate's nuclear family unit, and in no way suggests a lack of affection for his birth daughter Caroline on the part of Senator Cruz."
Still, many are speculating that Caroline was relieved of her daughterly duties for her reluctance to smile in public and an inability to hit her marks during rallies. Others have pointed to an incident that occurred backstage at the Liberty announcement where cameramen caught her picking her nose.
"The truth is, Caroline is a sullen little frowny face, and she bums people out," political analyst Michael Berman remarked, "Senator Cruz still has a white daughter, and now also has a cute, bubbly Latina that could potentially serve him well in swing states like Florida and New Mexico."
In her first tweet on the campaign trail, Maria Alejandra wrote that she loves quesadillas, piƱatas, and favors a flat tax system that would promote innovation and economic growth.