Saturday, August 13, 2022


Now conservatives see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! Trump is being oppressed!!!

For years conservatives applauded every extrajudicial killing of a black person; declaring just comply.  

When did Espionage become a crime in America!

For years conservatives defended every instance of Police brutality and misconduct and denied the existence of systemic mistreatment of people charged with crimes.

For years conservatives declared if you aren't doing anything wrong and you have nothing to hide then you don't have any reason to fear police or investigations.

Just a few months ago conservatives salivated over the prospect of arresting women and doctors for medical procedures rightwingers deem objectionable.

But, then... the FBI and Department of Justice executed a search warrant on the diseased premises of Mar-A-Lago and conservatives lost their fucking minds.  The fawning gross adulation and grotesque Back the Blue idolatry went immediately out the window.  Right-wingers concocted absorb legal fictions defending Trump.  Faux News said the FBI was planting evidence.  Republicans vowed to DEFUND THE POLICE!  When faced with the prospect of adhering to the Rule of Law, conservatives won't abandon illegal activities they will abandon the Rule of Law.

Brandon walked into the Capitol then walked
into the Court and then walked away
from his co-conspirators so he could
cry for criminals he walked away from
The collective conservative conniption fit over the FBI raid on the Trump Crime Family comes at Mar-A-Lago  and the Jan 6th criminals facing the consequences for their criminal activities (highlighted by Brandon Straka's cosplay crying in a cage at CPAC for all his incarcerated co-conspirators whom Brandon Straka informed upon) shows how Rightwing Authoritarians view Law Enforcement,

For my friends everything, for my enemies the law - Óscar R. Benavides

Conservatives believe the law and government exist to enforce their dictates and to defend their ideology and safeguard their political power.  If the government or law enforcement doesn't do these things it is ipso facto illegitimate.  The Law and law enforcement exists to help advance the rightwing agenda of hatred, oppression, and subjugation. 

By thine own pantomime shall ye be judged
And now we know that Trump is being investigated for violations of the Espionage Acts the outright rightwing rejection of Law&Order, which they've touted as the cornerstone of America, is escalating...  Breitbart doxxed the FBI Agents who searched Mar-A-Lago a day after a not yet indicted Jan6th Trump Terrorist committed another crime and attacked the FBI Officers in Cincinnati.

Personally, (after his trial and conviction) it might be appropriate for a specific Army squad to present Traitor Trump with his own solution to dealing with those accused of "espionage"...

Saturday, February 26, 2022


 A Murderer demands to be paid for his Murders

"This guy wants to tell me we’re living in a community? Don’t make me laugh. I’m living in America, and in America, you’re on your own. America’s not a country. It’s a business. Now fucking pay me." - Killing them Softly (2012)

Kyle Rittenhouse no longer feels it necessary to lay low, cry alligator tears, or adopt an air of false contrition.  Kyle recently took multiple tours of Rightwing media to air his grievances at everyone who correctly called him a murderer and declared he's formed an exploratory committee to sue those people, calling it a "Media Accountability Project".  Remember Kyle collected a lot of money from envious rightwingers but, then faced the affront of being investigated and tried.

You see conservatives believe the 2nd Amendment gives them a license to kill. Consequence free. They also firmly maintain the 1st Amendment exists only for them and proper government is meant to protect rightwing beliefs and actions.  Furthermore, natural laws and rights, as political theory, are a god-given phenomenon meant to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.

This is the whole basis of the concept of MAGA, of every rightwing grievance in the 21st century, and running back to the Civil Rights Era.  When the federal government began to aid the downtrodden (even if imperfectly and with gaps or mistakes) conservatives soured on the prospect of government itself.  And began their long run towards a more Authoritarian Union.

Rittenhouse was always going to be a grifter.  Kenosha Killer Kyle was always going to parlay his murders into dollars.  Like all murderers he wants to get paid for his work.  And like Zimmerman before him he'll receive envious adulation and fawning praise for a while from rightwingers who yearn to emulate his killings.  In the meantime, rightwing media will love to use him to go after President Biden.

But, I have a suggestion for Kenosha Killer Kyle; grab a new gun, get a flight to Kyiv, and defend the property there. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

NYAG just filed this letter and Donald’s statement as an EXHIBIT into EVIDENCE.

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