Saturday, February 26, 2022


 A Murderer demands to be paid for his Murders

"This guy wants to tell me we’re living in a community? Don’t make me laugh. I’m living in America, and in America, you’re on your own. America’s not a country. It’s a business. Now fucking pay me." - Killing them Softly (2012)

Kyle Rittenhouse no longer feels it necessary to lay low, cry alligator tears, or adopt an air of false contrition.  Kyle recently took multiple tours of Rightwing media to air his grievances at everyone who correctly called him a murderer and declared he's formed an exploratory committee to sue those people, calling it a "Media Accountability Project".  Remember Kyle collected a lot of money from envious rightwingers but, then faced the affront of being investigated and tried.

You see conservatives believe the 2nd Amendment gives them a license to kill. Consequence free. They also firmly maintain the 1st Amendment exists only for them and proper government is meant to protect rightwing beliefs and actions.  Furthermore, natural laws and rights, as political theory, are a god-given phenomenon meant to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.

This is the whole basis of the concept of MAGA, of every rightwing grievance in the 21st century, and running back to the Civil Rights Era.  When the federal government began to aid the downtrodden (even if imperfectly and with gaps or mistakes) conservatives soured on the prospect of government itself.  And began their long run towards a more Authoritarian Union.

Rittenhouse was always going to be a grifter.  Kenosha Killer Kyle was always going to parlay his murders into dollars.  Like all murderers he wants to get paid for his work.  And like Zimmerman before him he'll receive envious adulation and fawning praise for a while from rightwingers who yearn to emulate his killings.  In the meantime, rightwing media will love to use him to go after President Biden.

But, I have a suggestion for Kenosha Killer Kyle; grab a new gun, get a flight to Kyiv, and defend the property there. 

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